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Special Session

ISKE 2023 Special Session on Logic, Computation and Artificial Intelligence


The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2023) is the 18th in a series of ISKE conferences. The conference will be held in Fuzhou, a beautiful place in southeast of China.

The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Press (sent to be EI indexed). Special issues of SCI indexed journals will be devoted to a strict refereed selection of extended papers presented at ISKE 2023.

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Scope and Motivation

The past decade has seen a booming development and a good number of success stories of Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, most of the developed approaches work like a black box where the interpretation of results is challenging, and therefore the output is not trustworthy to certain extent. In order to handle this problem, the research on “Explainable AI and Responsible AI” has drawn much attention in recent years. On the other hand, logic can provide not only a formal way to represent problems, but also a solid theoretical foundation to guarantee the credibility of reasoning and prediction for AI approaches. Therefore, this special session, organized by National Association of Non-Classic Logic and Computation, Chinese Society of Logic, intends to promote the interplay between logical approaches and machine learning based approaches in order to make AI more explainable, responsible and accountable. It aims at providing an opportunity for researchers working in this research area to discuss fundamental approaches, methodologies, software systems, and applications, to share their novel ideas, original research results and practical experiences of logical and machine learning based methods and techniques in its broadest sense.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Multi-valued logic, Medium logic, Fuzzy logic, Possibility logic, Spatial and temporal logics
  • Logic algebra, Logic programming, Logical-based approaches
  • Automated reasoning, Approximate reasoning
  • Fuzzy connectives, Logic operators
  • Theoretical advances in interpretable machine learning
  • Combining logical and machine learning methods
  • Formal specification and verification of systems

Important Dates

June 30, 2023  July 31, 2023

Full paper submission

July 31, 2023  August 31, 2023

Acceptance notification

Sept. 30, 2023 October 30, 2023

Camera-ready paper submission

Paper Submission

The authors are required to submit their papers to a Special Session following the steps below:

Submission by IEEE ISKE 2023 Easy Chair Account selecting the name or the number of the Special Session.

Session Chairs

Prof. Bin Zhao, Prof. Hongjun Zhou, Dr. Shuwei Chen
National Association of Non-Classic Logic and Computation, Chinese Society of Logic

Contact Us

  • Hongjun Zhou
  • Email:
  • Telephone: (+86) 029 85310232
  • Address: School of Mathematics and Information Sciences
  • Shanxi Normal University, Xian 710119, China

Contact Us

  • Shuwei Chen
  • Email:
  • Telephone: (+86) 028 87601047
  • Address: School of Mathematics
  • Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China